Gpsc Rto Inspector Class 2 Syllabus Pdf 2020-21|
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Gpsc Rto Inspector Class 2 Syllabus Pdf 2020-21: Rto Means - The Regional Transport Office Or Regional Transport Authority (RTO / Rta) Is The Organization Of The Indian/State Government Responsible For Maintaining A Database Of Driver & Vehicle For Various States Of India. Also, the Regional Transport Authority Is Responsible To Maintain Vehicle Registration, Vehicle Owner Name, Address, Vehicle Number, Inspect The Vehicle’s Insurance And Clear The Pollution Test. Now You Can Show Gpsc Rto Inspector Class 2 Syllabus Pdf Below Link.
Gpsc Rto Inspector Class 2 Selection
All The Candidates Will Be Based On The
Performance In Written Test And Interview
Name Of The Board: Gujarat Public
Service Commission
Advt No: Gpsc/2019-20/129 * Gpsc/2019-20/128
Post Name: Assistant Inspector Of Motor Vehicle And Other
Official Portal: Https://Ojas.Gujarat.Gov.In/
Exam Date: 03/Feb/2021
Gpsc RTO Inspector Syllabus Class -2
Syllabus Of Paper – I
Part A: Concerned Subjects
1. THEORY OF MACHINES: Balancing of single and multi-cylinder engines, Linear vibration analysis of mechanical systems, Spring-Mass-Dashpot system subject to axial load, Electrical analogy (single degree and two degrees of freedom). Automatic Controls, Hydrodynamic bearings, antifriction bearings, computer aided design.
2. MECHANICS OF SOLIDS: Stress-strain relations, uni axial loading, stress/strain tensor applied to a body subject toloads, thermal stress. Beams: bending moment and shear force diagram, bending stresses and deflection of beams, shear stress distribution, Torsion of shaft, helical springs, combined stresses, Design of couplings, fly wheels, leaf springs, thick and thin walled pressure vessels, strain energy concepts and theories of failure.
3. ENGINEERING MATERIALS: Basic concepts of the structure of solids, Crystalline materials, Defects in Crystallinematerial, Alloys and binary phases diagrams, structural properties of common engineering materials, Heat treatment of steel, plastics, ceramics composite materials ,common applications of various materials.
4. MANUFACTURING SCIENCE: Merchant force analysis, Taylor’s tool life equation, machine ability and machine economics, Rigid small and flexible automation , NC, CNC. Recent machining methodsEDM, ECM and ultrasonic. Application of lasers and plasmas, analysis of forming processes. High energy rate forming jigs, fixtures, tools and gauges. Inspection of length, position , profile and surface finish , computer aided manufacturing.
5. MANUFACTURING MANAGEMENT: Production planning and control, forecasting-moving average, exponential smoothing,Operation Scheduling, assembly line balancing, product development, Break even analysis, Capacity planning PERT and CPM.Control Operations : inventory control, ABC analysis, EOQ models, material requirement planning, job design, job standards, work measurement, quality management, quality analysis and control.Statistical quality control operation research: linear programming, Graphical and simplex method. Transportation and assignment model, Single server queuing model.
6. ELEMENTS OF COMPUTATION: Computer Organization, flow charting, features of common computer languages C & C++
7. THERMODYNAMICS: Basic concepts , open and closed systems. Application of thermodynamic laws, gas equations.
8. IC ENGINES, FUELS AND COMBUSTION: Spark Ignition and compression ignition engines. Four stroke and two stoke engines.Mechanical, thermal and volumetric efficiency . Heat balance, Combustion process in SI and CI engine, Pre ignition, detonation in SI engines. Diesel knock in CI engines. Choice of engine fuels octane and cetane rating. Alternate fuels, carburetion and fuel injection.Engine emission and control . solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, stoichiometric air requirement and excess air factor, fuel gas analysis, higher and lower calorific values and their measurements.
9. HEAT TRANSFER, REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING: One and two dimensional heat conduction, Heat transfer from extended surfaces, heat transfer by forced and free convection Heat exchangers. Fundamentals of diffusive and connective mass transfer. Radiation laws, heat exchange between black and non-black surfaces, Network analysis, Heat pump refrigeration cycles and systems, condensers,evaporators and expansion devices and controls. Properties and choice of refrigerant.Cooling load calculation, solar refrigeration
10. TURBO MACHINES AND POWER PLANTS: Continuity , momentum and energy equations, adiabatic and isoentropic flow, Fanno lines, Rayleigh lines. Theory and design of axial flow turbines and compressors. Flow through turbo machine blade, cascades, centrifugal compressor . Dimensional analysis and modeling. Selection of site for steam , hydro nuclear and stand-by power plants,selection base and peak load power plants. Modern high pressure High duty boilers, Draft and dust removal equipment. Fuel and cooling water systems. Heat balance, station and plant heat rates, operation and maintenance of various power plants, preventive maintenance, economics of power generation . Energy scenario of Gujarat and India.
9. TRANSMISSION SYSTEM: Various drives, Selection of Transmission system.
12. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AND INSTRUMENTATIONS: Battery ignition system and Magneto ignition system, specification of Battery, Lightings of vehicle, Study and calibration of different instruments used in the vehicle for measuring speed, temperature, torque etc.
13. ADVANCE MECHANICAL MEASUREMENTS: Tolerances, gauging, Straightness and flatness measurement, surface finish,measurement of pressure, vacuum, angular speed, flow, etc.
14. AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEM DESIGN: Design of clutch system, Design of propeller shaft, Axle design, Design of braking system , suspension system, steering system, Vehicle performance testing and validation of design.
15. AUTOMOBILE AIR CONDITIONING: Study of different types of air conditioning system, Study of different types of refrigerants, Study of psychometric chart, thermal load calculation and analysis,air circuit. Control of temperature, humidity and quality of air, Maintenance of air conditioning system
16. ALTERNATE FUELS AND ENGINE: Needs of alternate fuels study and combustion of different alternate fuels like, LPG, CNG, LNG, Alcohol, hydrogen etc.
19. HEAT TRANSFER: Study of Radiator system, Heat transfer by Conduction Convection and Radiation.Study of Different Types of Heat Exchangers.
i.e., Lubrication system in Automobiles,
different types of Lubricants
1. The Motor Vehicle Act 1988 (With 2019
Chapter I : Preliminary
Chapter Ii : Licensing Of Driving Of
Motor Vehicles
Chapter Iii : Registration Of Motor
Chapter Iv : Control Of Transport
Chapter V : Construction Equipment &
Maintenance Of Motor Vehicle
3. The Gujarat Motor Vehicles Rules,
Chapter I : Preliminary
Chapter Ii : Licensing Of Drivers Of
Motor Vehicles
Chapter Iii : Licensing Of Conductors Of
Stage Carriages
Chapter Iv : Registration Of Motor
Chapter V : Control Of Transport
Chapter Vii : Construction Equipment
& Maintenance Of Motor Vehicle
4. Gujarat Road Safety Policy 2016-17
5. Motor Vehicle (Driving) Regulations,
6. Gujarat Road Safety Authority Act
7. Supreme Court Committee On Road
Safety Guidelines
8. National Green Tribunal
9. Traffic Signs, Road Markings And Road
10. Latest Technology In Vehicle
Manufacturing Related To Road Safety & Environment (Including Bio Fuels)
11. Electric Vehicles
12. Landmark Judgement Of Hon.Supreme
Court Related Road Safety And Road And Vehicle Organisation
I. In The Supreme Court Of India Civil
Appeal No. 5826 Of 2011
Mukund Dewangan Vs The Oriental
Insurance Co. Ltd. Etc…
(Regarding No Necessity Of Obtaining
Endowments To Drive The Transport Vehicles When The Transport Vehicle Is Class
Of Light Motor Vehicles (Lmv).)
Ii. In The Supreme Court Of India Write
Petition (Civil) No. 265 Of 2011 Avishek Goenka Vs Union Of India & Anr.
(Regarding Restriction Of Use Of Black
Film On The Vehicles)
Iii. In The Supreme Court Of India Write
Petition (Civil) No. 235 Of 2012 Save Life Foundation & Anr. Vs Union Of
India & Anr.
(Regarding No Harassment To Samaritans
I.E. Bystanders For Helping Road Accidents Victim)
Iv. In The Supreme Court Of India
(Civil) Appeal No. 11369 Of 2018 Prakash Chand Doga Vs Savita Sharma & Anr.
(Regarding In Accidents Cases All The
Liabilities Are Of Vehicles Registered Owner)
V. In The Supreme Court Of India Write
Petition (Civil) 510 Of 2005 Maniderjit Singh Bitta Vs Union Of India &
(Regarding Scheme Regulating Issuance
And Fixation Of High-Security Registration Plates (Harp))
Vi. In The Supreme Court Of India Write
Petition (Civil) No. 243 Of 2005 Rajive Raturi Vs Union Of India & Others
(Regarding For Divyang People Safe
Access To Road And Transport Facilities)
Syllabus Of Paper – II
1. Tenses, Concord- Participles, Gerund
2. Common Errors- On Miscellaneous Items
3. Usage: Articles, Prepositions,
Adjective, Adverb, Conjunction, And Question Tag
4. Usage: Some, Many, Any, Little, A
Little, Few, A Few, Since, For, Modal Auxiliaries (Can, May, Have To, Ought To,
Must, Should, Would), Voice, Degree.
5. Vocabulary
6. Idioms Phrases
7. Spellings
8. Homonyms, Antonyms, Synonyms,
One-Word Substitute, Words Confused
9. Comprehension
Part – B (Gujarati)
1. ગધાર્થગ્રહણ
2. કહેવતો
3. રૂઢિપ્રયોગો
4. સમાનાર્થિ
5. વિરુદ્ધાર્થી
6. જોડણી
7. અલંકાર
8. સમાસ
9. શબ્દસમૂહો
10. સંધિ
11. છંદ