Subject matter to keep a drive on breach cases.
Compliments on the above subject, stating
that, A review meeting on road safety was held by the Committee on Road Safety,
in which the state Mortality in road accidents due to not wearing a helmet in
accidents as well as serious There has been a significant increase in the the proportion of injuries.
Work of Director General of Police and
Chief Police Officers on 09/08/20 To reduce road accidents under the
conference as well as to ensure proper implementation of traffic regulation Matt
violation cases in operation regarding good traffic enforcement are taxed at
maximum Notice away from tomorrow 08/06/20. 20/06/20. Till Matt Violation Cases Drive is ordered.
So that, in all periods, the maximum of hamate collection Cases will have to be
Since the city/district has to review the
performance of the car, it has been done on a daily basis
Performance report in the following sample
scale sheet from 00.00 to ૨૪.00 By the morning of the report day, by 0૮.00 am, six
mahapals of this office, dgip-stb-br Please send it to without