Class-3 (Advt.- 100/2018-19) 

On Line applications are invited for the posts of ASSISTANT INSPECTOR OF MOTOR VEHICLE -
Class-3 (Advt.- 100/2018-19) between date 15/11/2018, 13.00 Hrs. to date 30/11/2018, 13.00 Hrs. 
(2) Candidates are instructed to visit Notice Board or the Web site of Commission https://gpsc- for all provisions of advertisement, General Instructions, and the method of 
on line application. 
(1) Candidate shall carefully read the Advertisement No. and Name of the Post before Applying online. 
Candidates shall confirm the application only after verifying the details filled in the application form. 
(2) Any request or representation to correct any error or omission in the confirmed online application, or 
information filled in by the candidates shall not be accepted. 
(3) In case of more than one online application made by the candidate, only the latest confirmed 
application will be considered by the Commission. For candidates belonging to unreserved category 
the last confirmed application with fees will be considered by the Commission. 
(4) Candidates shall keep ready the certificate required in case of eligibility for interview(in the order 
mentioned in the general instructions)

Education Qualification :- (A) (1) Possess a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (3 yrs. course) or Diploma 
in Automobile Engineering (3 yrs. course) or (2) a Degree in Mechanical engineering or 
Automobile Engineering of a recognized University or deemed university. 
 (B) The candidate shall possess a motor driving license of motor cycle and light motor vehicles at 
the time of appointment.
 (C) The Candidate shall obtain a driving license of heavy goods vehicles or heavy passenger motor 
vehicles during the stipulated period of service on contractual basis.
 (D) The candidate shall possess the basic knowledge of Computer Application as prescribed in the 
Gujarat Civil Service Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967

(E) The candidate shall possess adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both.
 (F) The candidate shall possess the following minimum physical standards:
 (i) For Male candidate: Height not less than 162 centimeters (for Schedule Tribes of Gujarat 
Origin height 155 centimeters) and minimum chest measurement of 79 centimeters deflated and 
weight 50 Kg.
 (ii) For Female candidate: Height not less than 158 centimeters (for Schedule Tribes of Gujarat 
 Origin height 151 centimeters) and weight 45 Kg.
 (iii) A candidate shall not be color blind and have clear vision with or without glasses in both eyes.

PAY: - The appointment to the selected candidates on the post of the Assistant inspector of motor 
vehicles, class-III will be given by the Government by taking into consideration the terms and 
conditions as prescribed under the recruitment rules. The candidate appointed shall be given, at the 
end of contractual period, the prescribed pay scale of the post of assistant inspector of motor 
vehicles, class-III, on his /her performance being found satisfactory during the stipulated period of 
service on contractual basis. Thispay will be subject to the final decision of the Honorable 
Supreme Court for SLP No: 14124-14125/2012 admitted for the same purpose. 
AGE:-Not less than 19 years and not more than 35 years. Age will be calculated on the last date of the 
receipt of application.

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